Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Stage Six: Comment on Colleagues

As my colleague states in her blog, I also believe that marijuana should be legalized. Julie Warlick brings up many positive things about marijuana effecting the economy, jails and criminals, medical benefits, as well as stating how it could be regulated. She says that if marijuana is legalized and taxed around where alcohol and tobacco are taxed then there would be a massive revenue to decrease the country's debit. There have been many studies proving this to be true. Since California legalized marijuana they have seen a major rise in the economy. Warlick continues to talk about how that there would be less criminals in our jails so less expense for prisons and more time for the police to worry about more serious crime. I certainly agree that we would not have to spend more taxes on prisons because of marijuana, as well as legalization would make it so there would be less "criminals". As for the medical benefits of marijuana, it is shown to help glaucoma, cancer patients and depression. I feel that if people with serious illnesses benefit from marijuana it should not be illegal. It does not cure the disease, but it helps the patients cope with their illness. Warlick even describes how marijuana can be regulated. She brings to the table that the FDA can help regulate proportions and keep it at a safe strength. She also suggests that there could be an age limit like alcohol and tobacco. I feel that the age limit is a good idea. Although teenagers are the ones who smoke most often, I think that if we enforce the limit that we can keep marijuana safe for everybody.

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