On a blog from thinkprogress.org, the author describes his opinion on taxing options. He believes that the best way to decrease the deficit is to raise the taxes on the wealthier people in America. He shows us proof that this idea is wiser than ideas the republicans are suggesting by showing the amount of money the new taxes would be greater in comparison to the amount of money that the republican's ideas would bring in. The author tells us what the republicans are trying to cut in a slant to prove his is the best, but at least we have an idea on what the republicans want to do; republicans want to cut education and benefits for the poor instead of putting heavier taxes on the wealthy. He then starts describing, almost idolizing, the democrats idea for decreasing the deficit. the author shows us and interview and a couple of graphs showing how taxing the rich is the best idea. He throws many names and graphs around in order to prove his point, which possibly shows that he lacks creditability himself. On the other hand, this shows that he has taken the time to research this issue thoroughly and completely in order to establish an opinion rather than not knowing the subject and spitting out his opinion, which is what most bloggers do nowadays. His audience is mainly democrats, as this is a liberal blog site, but I also think it is for anyone who wants to read it because if he persuades enough people he will be able to see the plan he is promoting work out. The blog post could also be directed at republicans to show that there is a better way to save money and decrease the deficit rather than cutting education and retirement costs.
I agree with the author because it will decrease the national debit by gaining money from wealthier Americans. As a student, I feel that we should not cut education costs to decrease the deficit because education is much more important than the wealthy having an extra million dollars to throw around. If the wealthy were taxed more it would solve our problems much quicker than cutting other programs. As well as decreasing the national debit, heavier taxes on the wealthy will also decrease the gap of wealthy and poor in this country which, we can all agree, is increasing each day.
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